Spido Harbour tours

For decades Spido has been running boat tours through the world’s largest port. Meanwhile the programme has expanded into 8 different tours. The most popular remains the 75 minute Rotterdam Harbour Tour. This tour is limited to the older city docks. This means that you get to see a lot of docks, some of which have been put to new functions, some are still used for processing cargo and most offer nice views on the city skyline from the water.

During July and August Spido offers an expanded tour (2:30 hrs long), covering the petroleum docks in the Botlek area where the Shell and Exxon refineries are based. Thu/Fri and Sat (July) or Sun (Aug) twice daily.

A tour to newest deep sea docks takes 7,5 hours and takes you to the  Maasvlakte 2. Maasvlakte 2 is the latest expansion of the port of Rotterdam. A new top European location for port activities and industry was created immediately to the west of the present port and industrial area. When the construction of Maasvlakte 2 began in 2008, the sea there was 17 metres deep.  Maasvlakte 2 encompasses 1,000 hectares of industrial ground, located directly on 20 metre deep docks. The tour a includes a visit to Futureland, the project's visitor center. The tour is offered in July (Tue and Sun) and August (Tue and Sat) and on the last Saturday of every other month of the year. Reservations required.

For more information have a look at the Spido website: www.spido.nl 

The ships leave from Willemsplein next to the Erasmus bridge
Public Transport: tram line 7 (stop Willemsplein) or Metro Station Leuvehaven             

phone: (010) 275 99 88 (for tours and information).